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Transition Process to the New Curriculum

The adjustment procedures that were carried out in accordance with the changes in our department's curriculum have been completed. Students who wish to object to the result can apply to our department by submitting a petition until September 12, 2024. You can access the new curriculum content via the links below.


- Economics Undergraduate Program:


- Economics Undergraduate Program (English):


Some basic procedures carried out in the adjustment process are as follows:

  • Students who took the Introduction to Business Administration course, which was an elective course in the previous curriculum, have this course counted as a course with the same code and name in the compulsory courses category in the new curriculum. Students who have not taken this course before have been exempted from this course.


  • The grades of students who passed the Micro (Macro) Economics course in the previous curriculum were transferred to the Micro (Macro) Economics I course in the new curriculum. These students were also exempted from the Micro (Macro) Economics II course.


  • The grades of students who previously failed the Micro (Macro) Economics course were transferred to the Micro (Macro) Economics I course, and no action was taken for the Micro (Macro) Economics II course.


  • The International Economics I course was counted instead of the International Economics course in the new curriculum.


  • The International Economics II course was counted instead of the International Finance course with the code IKT3352, which is in the vocational elective course category in the new curriculum.


  • Analysis of Turkish Economy course was counted instead of the Turkish Economy course.


  • The courses that were compulsory in the previous curriculum and transferred to the elective course groups in the new curriculum were also added to the relevant elective course groups. You can access information about these courses via the links above.*


During the adjustment process, care was taken not to decrease the students' GPA and the number of credits they passed.

The adjustment process of students who have a tuition debt on the system will be completed next week.

The whole process will be finalized with the control and evaluation of the Student Affairs.



*A Senate decision is awaited for the Basic Information Technology Usage course to be added to the University Social Elective courses pool and the Constitutional Law course to the Professional Elective courses pool.